Monday, August 31, 2009


I went to work in Cebu about two years ago. Having assigned there was quite difficult because I didn't speak the language and I had no friends there. Having talked about taking a leap of faith- it was not what I had in mind. It was more on the adventure. You know how we are when were fresh out of college: naive and head-strong. My dad was a tad hesitant when I told him of the new because I was too eager to get to where I am. He was thinking about culture shocks and the dangers. How "parent-y" (hahaha). I appreciated the concern but to hell with the uncertainties. I was leaving Iloilo. The dream of independence and cosmopolitan living was beckoning me. And I did not dare resist.

I remembered as I sat on the plane I couldn't fight back the tears. It was weird. I know I was happy. But then again the subconscious was thinking otherwise. Hidden beneath the joys are the low feelings- knowing that things will never be the same again. And for the first few months I felt the loneliness. I was online most of the time to fill in the spaces conjured by the distance. I was constantly begging Eds to be stationed here in Cebu but to no avail because of his boss. And there was Anne, my cousin, who was asking me to contact her friend who was taking up Medicine in Cebu so I can have a friend there. True enough she made it possible for us to communicate and we did become friends--- and eventually more than that. 

Work always kept me busy. I got the hang of it. My former boss always kept me on my toes until  I, shall I say, advanced in my craft. (Thanks Ms Gigi, I learned a lot!) There were the high times: our HK trip, Viet Nam,  the true friends I met along the way, the trainings, the people who made me feel how important my work was. There were speedbumps too. They're inevitable. And I try to move on from them. I can say that it has made me a better person. What's interesting too is you learn something new about yourself too. I learned how to belt my anger the right way, and boy did I learn it the hard way. I learned to forgive and forget. I learned that the truth will always hurt. I learned that good friends are hard to find. I learned how to be brave. It's a step-at-a-time process. I think I deserve a pat on the back for this.

I learned my lessons the hard way. In that way, I reckon, I get to remember the life lessons that I should never miss out on and should never forget. Ever. 

To the people who made my stay in Cebu worthwhile you will never be forgotten. 

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